Holy SMOKES batman…. its a blog post!

Its official…today is the first day of School. The pencils are sharpened, the backpacks monogrammed, and the oh so complicated middle school schedule is all laid out. Today my girls will walk into school, and start another year of intense education. Which means its back to reality, back to the busy, and back to work. It was a wonderful summer, filled with relaxation, lounging, and vacations…wait WHAT? Ok, thats not at all how it happened. I did two things all summer…and if you don’t follow me on instagram, I will spell it out…
yeah…weddings and swimming. As this blog has been left HIGHLY ignored for a better part of the summer equinox, I thought explanations where in order. You see, June brought 8 weddings, and 8 swim meets. Um, yeah, do that math! No weekends, BABY! I went from a pool, to a wedding, and back to a pool again, Did I mention the girls were swimming for two, yes TWO teams? if I were to add up weekly practices, together they had 12 practices…in 5 days…because meets are on weekends, so we were STILL AT THE POOL! and I don’t mean a vacation pool- I mean an olympic swimming pool. The balance between a tween, and an 8 year old is like walking a tight rope….over the grand canyon…backwards. As my kids get older, I realize that while I thought I was busy when they were babies, I was so so foolish! So, as I work to find this balance between me and them…and my marriage, and my own self…I realized I can’t be the only one. So, I decided to add a touch more personal stuff to my blog. I am excited about blogging about my journey.
Hope you enjoy the pics of the girls…they are getting so old, it kind of breaks my heart. But, at the same time, they are so much fun. More individually then together, because they love to fight. But we get to have real conversations, about real life things. And I have to be honest, its kind of awesome! I was ready for them to go back to school, like always, but not as much as in years past. I knew they were ready though- we were all kind of missing the lack of a schedule. But when i drove to the office today, and thought about grabbing lunch with them, or running a quick errand with them, I was sad. Back to school is like a new beginning, like a mid year new years eve- a time to start fresh and feel like you are starting off strong. I am proud of these two, I think they are off to a great start…at least two hours in to this school year!
And while its Monday, and Lord knows, we all hate Mondays, at least its a Monday with a fresh start, a new year, and of course, sharpened pencils….
Happy School year to all my clients out there, I hope the year is filled with good grades, lots of fun, and a wonderful teacher!