{The one} where she grows up…again

5 Moments, Family Pictures, Fluffy Friday, Good things, just because

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“Oh, the places you’ll go! There is fun to be done!
There are points to be scored. There are games to be won.
And the magical things you can do with that ball
will make you the winning-est winner of all.
Fame! You’ll be as famous as famous can be,
with the whole wide world watching you win on TV.

Except when they don’t
Because, sometimes they won’t.

I’m afraid that some times
you’ll play lonely games too.
Games you can’t win
’cause you’ll play against you.” 
Dr. SeussOh, The Places You’ll Go!


Somedays I get this feeling that the day will NEVER end, and other days, I feel like my life is flying by so fast, that if I blink I just may miss something. Today is one of the latter…They say the days go by so slowly, but the years go by so quickly. I am not sure that statement is truly understood until you are a parent. You hold that sweet baby in your hand and you blink, and you are sending them off to school. Now, don’t get me wrong, we all know how I feel in August, and the CELEBRATION that ensues. But today, I am feeling a tad bit melancholy. You see, today, I sent my baby to school for her last day of elementary school. Since she started, I have started a business, we have moved, we have lost loved ones, and gained loved ones too. So much change, but none more so than the beautiful young woman I sent off today. I remember that little hand I drew a heart on…I remember the outfit she wore {that Haylee wore last year too}. I remember each and every amazing teacher she has had at her school, and even all her friends growing up right along with her. I still see that little blond nugget who got on that big yellow bus…except today I don’t see a nugget. I see a wonderfully intelligent, hard working young lady, who I am so proud of. Going back and looking at this makes me so sad, for all the time that has sped by, for all the things she has accomplished, and all the things we have done together. But, it also reminds me that I need to be there MORE- be in that moment, and as crazy as it sounds, share it here! I lost the hard drive that these images are on, so thank GOD for my blog, so I could go back and get them- all I can say ya’ll is plan on more of this stuff, because I can’t imagine if I can’t go back and read this stuff, and if they can’t go back and read it as well!


I wanted to give a special thanks to Mrs. White, Mrs Whittington, Mrs. Macdonald, Mrs. {Qiunn}Bachann, Mrs. Parrett, and Mrs Raiford/Mrs. Know. You each have been such an amazing part of her success in school and she has loved each one of you down to her toes and back {and so have I}. I think I was a room parent for each one of you- and I can’t tell you how much your love and support meant to us! There are no words….


And now, Ashleigh, my advice for you…

Mimi always said it best “pretty is as pretty does” and I am pretty sure there will be no place where that is more applicable than middle school. Its such a transition time for all of you, and I hope you take it by storm. But, also remember to take it with love and empathy in that heart. To take it head on, and do everything with your all, because its a rite of passage {don’t worry, you will learn what that means too}. You are such a smart little thing, and I know you will do amazing things, no matter how much people make you feel like you can’t– because, well thats middle school too. I am so proud of the woman you are becoming, its so wonderful to watch you in all that you do. Sometimes I can’t even fathom that you were that tiny little baby I brought home almost 12 years ago, trying to think where all that time went! I know you feel like it goes so slow, but trust me when I say slow down….enjoy the ride. Life moves so fast, take it all in….


all my love,

mom {who as you know, is crying right now}


First day of Kindergarten…last day of elementary school…

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I still remember the heart… and her hugging Haylee {who cried when she got on the bus} and trailing behind her dear friend Madison…
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First and last day of 5th grade…
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First and last day of first grade…we have teeth!
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First and last day with my baby girls… who aren’t so much babies anymore
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  1. John says:

    Wow- amazing entry sis (love those little ones so much). I can’t believe how quick they grow as we are going through the same thing around this house (although your kids seem to enjoy school a little more that Ryland).

    Love you all!!!

    Uncle John

  2. […] the business that was young kids, and their boredom from not being in school. And then, they finish elementary school, and you have a moody, hormonal teen, who is stressed and not quite sure how to deal with it all. […]

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