{The one} where I babble…

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OK, so I had a few things I wanted to change, and talk about.  Since this is where I do all my “talking” i figured I would post today “sans” pictures.  Enjoy my inner ramblings…

First off…do you notice a change?? I FINALLY have the correct name on my blog! I know…better late than never and Mark says I must have been BORN late, b.c it is such an inate part of my personality {little does he know, its the ONLY thing I was ever early for}.  I hope you guys enjoy the change.  Something about the seasons changing…I just wanted to freshen up a tad.

Second, comments…oh, comments! I swear, I get over 50 hits a day on this darn thing, and no comments…am I talking to myself? Do you only love me for my pictures?  Ok, ok, I know I sound PATHETIC, but please, feed my inner child, and leave a girl some blog love.  Its super easy! All you do is click on comments below a post and SHAZAM its done! I know you guys are reading this, you email me about this stuff…maybe I will have to do a contest to encourage some extra love!

Whew! Enough business.  Now, I am ready to get personal! I realized throughout this JAM PACKED summer, how crazy busy I became and sometimes, even, dare I say…GRUMPY.  I know, its hard to believe, but stress makes me a tad…crazy.  So, I realized that in this craziness, I have not stopped to think about all the fabulous things I get to experience every day…so today I did.  Maybe its b.c the wind is blowing, the temperature is down, and my fall clothes are inching towards the front of my closet {fall is my FAVORITE time of year}.  Either way, I decided that once a month, I am going to list the 5 things I am thankful for.  So without further ado…

I am thankful for….

1.   The MOST FABULOUS clients of all times! Seriously, I just adore you guys! I love you love stories, your babies, the little kids, and the big ones! I love getting to know you all! Its been the most fabulous journey, and I hope you know that each and EVERY one of you has impacted me.  You guys truly are PURE SUGAR!

2. My babies…I know they are barely babies anymore.  I have one that will hit double digits in a blink on an eye…and my little haylee will be 2 in November! Sometimes I feel like I miss so much of there little lives, and I just want to use this post to remind me how lucky I am to have them, and to be there mom {and step-mom}.

3. My friends… I have met some of the most AMAZING people on this journey, and through them, have learned so much about myself.  From the ones I have had since, well since what seems like was the beginning of time, to the fabulous girls I met last week, I just adore you all, and am so thankful for what you all bring to my daily life.

4. My macs…does that seem like an odd thing to be thankful for?? I know to most, it probably is, but I so adore my macs, and I swear, they love me back! I am the world’s worst backup girl, and the world’s worst planner. and thanks to all the wonderful Mac technology, they save me on a daily basis.  I just **love** my macs…and my iphone.

5.  And the most important thing I am thankful for… my husband.  Really, he is amazing, absolutely amazing.  I dont think he ever says no to all of my crazy requests and “needs” {aka “wants”}.  Some of you may know when he is here, we share an office, and he has literally become my one man “critique department”.  I swear if he would learn how to use a camera, I would hire him as my assistant, he is that wonderful! Somedays I get so wrapped up in being busy with the kids and my business, I forget to thank him, but really, none of this would be possible without his love and encouragement.

Whew! Pouring your heart out is tough! I think I may have to go get some chocolate {and red wine}.  Thanks for listening to my inner babbles… Au revoir!

  1. OK, I’m posting a comment you comment hound!! Absolutely gorgeous website and photos – you are truly a talent! Love the “heart on the hand” first day of school idea, even if it did come from Wal-Mart. So sweet, I might have to steal that one for next school year.

    So glad you are doing and looking great!


  2. Shannon says:

    Aw where did the new layout go? I was really digging the new color scheme!

  3. admin says:

    have no fear, the pink will be back…or perhaps on a different location. The green is my one “unifying” color, and since its the blog for all parts of the studio, I went green. Hey, isn’t everyone going green these days.

  4. Kelly says:

    This is exciting… my first “blog” comment ever! I know I’m lame, I don’t get out much! 🙂

    I just want to tell you how very excited I am to have you as a part of my family for many years to come. I absolutely love your style and creativeness. I can’t wait to see your unique ideas for my engagement, wedding and other family pictures. The website looks awesome and your pictures even more beautiful!

    Thank you!

  5. Caitlin says:

    HEY!! I look/read all of the time but don’t comment. I’m bad at that. lol. 🙂 Love the pictures always!! 🙂 c you soon.

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