It’s your senior year, and you are beyond excited. You have worked 13 long years for this, and it’s a time in your life for celebrating who you are, and where you are going! I always advise both parents and seniors to use their senior session as a chance to stretch some of the fashion decisions- because this will change in the coming year. How do you see yourself? What do you love in your look? What have you always wanted to try. You want to maintain your style, show your trends, but also be classic. You don’t want to look back at these years from now, and say “What was I thinking?”
While I always do a style consult with my seniors, there are a few general guidelines you can follow to start curating your senior session wardrobe.
Want to know the basics for starting your wardrobe process? Read on for more details!
Making the perfect plan for Jacksonville or saint Augustine senior portrait session day
1. VARIETY is everything! Make sure that your outfits aren’t all one style or set concept. Have a good variety of dresses, jeans, and shorts. Try to incorporate a variety of not only pieces, but style as well (like urban, organic, casual, and sophisticated).
2. COLORS add a lot of to any session. What time of year is your session {pastels for summer, jewel tones for winter months}. But nailing your own skin tone makes a difference too! You want your skin to look fabulous against your wardrobe choices, and this can make or break your session! All white shirts, or dresses will not show off your STYLE, so add some color!
3. LAYERS and ACCESSORIES are a must! They can change an outfit up, give it some new life, with a new location. A hat gives a fun look, and gives you something different to do with your hands. A jacket or sweater keeps you warm, while adding a pop of color.
4. BE AUTHENTIC- the most important part of selecting your wardrobe is being true to who you are. If you hate long dresses, don’t wear them. But, just because you love yoga pants and tank tops, doesn’t mean your whole session can be that. Remember what I said about expanding your personal style… this is the perfect time to try new things and see if you like them for your session.
5. Be CLASSIC with a twist of trend. There are so many great trends that stand the test of time, and balancing those with a current twist will show off who you are, but not make you cringe when you look back at your images. Always lean in to sophistication and simple elegance and steer away from anything too trendy {Um, I am speaking to you bike shorts and giant sweat shirts}. Try and think about what you would wear out for a nice dinner.
6. Add a touch of DRAMA. Since we always end with a dramatic nighttime look- you want to make sure you have a WOW look for end of your session. A suit or sports coat for the guys, a long dramatic, dress for the girls. Remember this is a celebration, and we want to show your party side!
Need more help? Download our skin tones guide to see what your skin tone is so you look amazing for your session day!
These are the perfect tips for planning a senior session wardrobe! Also, your seniors know how to dress! They have picked stunning outfits!
Wonderful tips to plan for your senior session wardrobe. And those dramatic nighttime images are stunning